Thursday, August 21, 2008

A Visitor in my Yard.
I was taking a photo of my Grass Tree No.7...
Lo and behold this lovely bird landed right in front of me...
and sat for quite a long while.
I should have used the zoom! but I forgot...too busy looking!
*click on the pic to enlarge*
Here is a link to read about Kookaburras


Here we have Grass Tree No.9 - aka wriggles (6 days later)
Sorry the photo is a bit off... blame the Queensland sunshine,
A little kinked now, but amazing how the stem has straightened.


And the competition continues...

I'm hoping this flower stalk keeps going... then I win, the odds are looking good! *grin*


The Tally
87 in yogurt pots + 8 adults (varying sizes) + 1 seedling in the garden,

= 96 Grass Trees

Cheers Carol


Joanne Lockyer said...

Looks like you are holding pretty firm at your tally of 96!

birdymunch said...

Wow, it's great that you were able to capture that beautiful bird. Nice for you that your yard is popular with the wildlife. Keep up the good work!