Tuesday, October 6, 2009

4 Weeks On... GT.7

These 2 photos
taken on the 19 of September
and show the
delicacy of the
Grass Tree flower stalk!

At the side is the previous stalk still attached.
Fairly soon little native bees, honey bees,
and some wattle birds will visit and
help with
pollinating the flowers.
In the early morning the flowers
have large drops of a clear nectar!

(Please click on the photo to enlarge)

This close-up photo shows each individual flower.


Grass Tree No.2

7 weeks on... this Grass Tree's
flowers have a quite different
look from the photo's above.
The flowers are thick and almost tangled,
so far almost
all of my seedling have
come from this most productive plant.

Photo's taken 6/10/09

A crowd of flowers!
(click to enlarge)



I found this bulb dropped on the footpath
by a weekend gardener
on a morning walk about 3 years ago.
Since then it has excelled in
beauty and size!
(what a find!)


I have 6 Grass Trees planted in my garden.
2 small plants in pots (medium)
98 seedlings(no fatalities)

Cheers Carol