Thursday, November 20, 2008

An Update on Grass Tree No. 9

This photo was taken 2 weeks ago... the developing seeds
can be seen with a number of little flowers
drying off
on the spear.

This poor quality photograph taken 2 weeks later and shows
how the seeds have become quite plump and healthy.
This small flower stem has produced approx. 30-40
seedpods, a good number considering it is still in the pot!
I intend to plant little specimen into the the garden very soon.

This lovely spiky!...plant grows very happily in our garden,
I am not sure if it is an Australian Native variety or not!..

I have include the following
Link which has
interesting information
about these plants.
The perfume of the central flower is really
sweet and pungent.
Insects seem to appreciate the aroma as well!


The Tally:
2 seedlings have died... they were very weak and were
counted in my doubtful list
However I am really pleased with the condition
of the little plants...
many are putting up new spiny leaves...
which have a lovely fresh green colour!

78 seedlings in new black pots - 12 pots with 2 seedlings in each pot.

(2 still in doubt...a rugged transplant!)

8 adults (varying sizes)+ 1 seedling in the garden,
87 Grass Trees.

Cheers Carol

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Transplanting from Yogurt pots to Black pots!!

In my last post I planned to transplant all my baby Grass Trees to new pots!
This task has been completed...with varying success.
I also have learned some helpful information!
Firstly the seed raising pot mix I used was too sandy...many little plants
had not developed roots very well and in the transfer to the new pots,
the soil just fell away and it was quite a juggling exercise to hold
together the cut away bottom of the Yogurt pot
and replant to the larger pot!
Secondly the soil did not hold moisture well either!
I had prepared the new pots with Jamie Durie Native Plant Mix
($9.45 at Big W)
I used this fantastic mix to repot GT's 6 & 7 ...they are doing really well!
Thirdly I learned...Yogurt pots...not a good Idea!
When I next plant a batch of seeds I will plant straight
into the larger pots in the beginning and save the
trouble and risk to these contrary little seeds/plants!

I graded my efforts on a 1-10 scale and most only rated 5/5 for root disturbance!
However over the last two weeks none have died, in fact some of the ones
I thought would surely cark it ...Haven't! though early days yet!
I have about 4 plants which I expect to shrivel, but it's
really surprising that they are looking so good!

A few completely lost ALL the soil in my hamfisted effort and
I was left holding a slender stalk!! 1/10
So I planted it and there you go! Still living two weeks later!
This will be interesting to see how much grievious bodily harm I have inflicted on them!

An update on Grass Tree No. 7

As you can see from the photo the seeds are looking great

...little buzzy bees have done a great job, nice plump developing seed pods!


This is a rather unusual garden ornament...looks fantastic though!
(residing at the plant nursery )

The Golden Rooster!


The Tally

80 seedlings in new black pots - 12 pots with 2 seedlings in each pot.

(4 in doubt...a rugged transplant!)

8 adults (varying sizes)+ 1 seedling in the garden,
89 Grass Trees.

(Note: Between the last post and now approx 6 seedlings died due probably to soil conditions and lack of water and nutrients in the soil.)

Cheers Carol