Friday, October 22, 2010

Grass Trees in the wild!
Thanks to my daughter for these photo's of a collection
resilient Grass Trees living in central Queensland.
As you can see...a dry area, wooded with eucalyptus trees!

A pair if scruffy little ones !
However they have had flower spears and the new growth
in the center looks nice and healthy!

This lovely specimen has been effected by
the old leaves have been cleaned up recently.
This could have been done by a naturally occurring fire
or possibly proactive trickle burning
by the forestry department!

Here you can see 2 old dry flower spears
standing tall above their wizened tree stumps!
Fantastic old warriors of the Australian bush!

A visitor to our suburban yard in North Brisbane!

Thanks to the North Brisbane Koala Rescue Group

who came out late at night (1am) to relocate this
lost and bewildered Koala.
The poor little fellow appeared not to know how
to negotiate the quagmire of suburban fences.
The two ladies who came, gave him an all clear for health
and said he would be relocated to the
closest stand of tall Eucalyptus trees!

I have been very tardy with my blog...apologies!
My collection of baby plants (102) have all been
growing really well in their shelter,
no fatalities to report!
Cheers Carol