Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Grass Trees in Pots

No.5 and No.6

I bought these two little plants at a garage sale in our neighbourhood. They were in very small pots, I gingerly transplanted them to these pots. Grass trees loath to have their roots disturbed, so I was really careful not to disturb the earth, I cut the pot up to get them out. After about a month or they hadn't turned up their toes... so I figured they had survived the move to their new homes. I'm going to leave them in these pots for ages...and see what happens!

Grass Tree No.5

(bigger pot)

Grass Tree No.6

(in smaller pot)


Landscape photo of Grass Tree 3 and 4

The other plants in this photo are Lomandra, the trunk of an Alexander Palm, rock daisys,wax plant, a ground cover cyprus, in the back left a ponytail plant, um...dead bark chips.

Next will be ...