Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Grass Tree No.4
(a little cutie this one!)

This little plant was planted in September 2007 after we removed a huge Cycad which grew over the path in our front garden, Cycad's are very spikey! This is the smallest little plant we bought which had a woody trunk and seemed to suffer no setback at all when planted into the garden.

This photo was taken 26th Feb.08.

This little guy hasn't grown all that much since last September, Grass Trees grow about 1 inch a year...the trunk that is! When they are healthy they grow lots of lovely green slender leaves from the center of the plant. The colour of the new growth is a fresh green colour which darkens as the leaves spread out and then curve downwards in a graceful arch.


Another Photo of Grass Tree No.3

Taken 26th Feb 2008. You can see the lovely green mass of leaves in the center of the plant, this plant has really picked up over this summer, we have had lots of rain this summer and hot had excessively hot day...great weather, usually 27-32Centigrade.

These two plants are in the same garden area, only about 5 foot distance between them.

Cheers Carol