Thursday, February 28, 2008

Grass Tree No.1

Seeds and baby plants

This is the long seed stalk on the plant our No.1 plant, it is twice the length of the No.2 plant which we bought at Big W. Definitely different varieties I reckon!


These seeds are in a plastic strawberry punnet, so you can see that they are fairly small, approx 9 0r 10 mm long and 4mm across at the widest point. These seeds are inside little pods when on the plant...there was generally only one seed in each of the little pods. I gathered most when the pods were just opening and let them dry and open...

Next time i will leave them a bit longer I think...

5 little plants

These are the results of my first go at propagating the seeds... there were three others, two were very pale and died ...I think they were missing their chlorophyll gene! the other one just died.. however I was really pleased when I managed to have 5 survive my amateurish efforts... the dates on the pots are 30/Oct/07 and 12/Nov/07. (photo taken 25/Feb/08)

Latest photo of Grass tree No.1

The spear goes brown and dries off, then the top crumbled away and the whole thing fell off. The plant looks great, really lush and healthy, and as we have had a rainy summer I expect that was the main reason why!

More next time...